This animation work was created to demonstrate our in-depth approach to sound design.
In the film, an ambient sound world has been created through a mix of real world recordings and synthesised elements.
To create the unearthly, desolate sound world we experimented with a lot of complex and dissonant material like metallic objects and factory sounds. A lot of these were processed through granular software and convolution reverbs in order to make them sound otherworldly.
The beginning of this video also demonstrates our work on product identifiers.
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An identifier needs to gain attention fast to be effective, and must appeal to right audience.
For this video we identified the importance of youth and club culture, and created a pulsating electronic track which works dynamically with the visual rhythm; the modulating synth line’s movement and resonant ‘bite’ help to capture the feeling and energy of the image
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We chose a relaxed and elegant approach for this identifier, directing it towards an older audience.
An elegant piano piece is joined by some granular water material which mimics the movements on-screen
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